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simple, just Datul. anyway so i might not update it 24/7 or even every month. so dont be surprised i reply you a year late. xD have fun reading. =)
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Saturday, January 16, 2010

how i have been

so i've been sick for the's been last year. yeah, 27th December until now. thought my coughing ended a few days after the school opens but it came back a few days back because my brother was sick as well. then it went to my sister and now it reached back to me. so yeah, i've been coughing until my stomach hurts like hell. thought, i thought i had dugal cause when i cough with an empty stomach i feel like i wanted to puke, but since i ate breakfast back i was fine. and i had to drink a lot of water and the bitter medicine as well as the pills-which made my lidah panat and took out my taste buds for a while.

school was fine~ it was okay, it was great. hahaha, okay okay~ school was as normal as it could get. staying back until 4 with my babe and bebek. my lesson was alright thought, bio got me clueless, chemistry was fun thought we didnt managed to be successful with the lime water change to chalky. what else? Irk was alright, we just had out first lesson on 'Musuh-musuh Allah' then Bm was fun, kmi buyuk buat jawapan sedri where we were suppose to ask out partner. then...hmm oh yes physics, it was.........i dont know. very no comment. i dont know how the teacher is teaching us so im not sure how to comment it yet, but she is very padas sometimes. english was ms Lim again and people said she was boring ever since firm 2 and now i get it why, we're doing work every lesson where other sometimes just talk and play around with their teachers . thought its great to be chilling with teachers, but not studying is bad as well. so im okay with it a bit. pe was a bit boring, we're running all the time...just running and with my fever, i wasnt it great shape. mib was..i dont know, alright? i was in the toilet when my class was studying it funny right? and it took me like a few minutes in the toilet and they already finished. so i wasnt in the toilet that long, the teacher was fast. okay....what else....irk, bm, mib, pe, physics, bio, chemistry, oh yeah! POA-poa was also fine, it was theory so i'm a bit weak in that- what else? eng, maths D and A maths. okay maths, it's tcher mimi and it was alright. i currently loving A maths cause's maths! like hell i dont love it. and haziq having it hard to deal with Amaths so im happily helping him in it. i love maths...hehe i love it x)

okay, speaking of school, jamban is really annoyed if us. well, annoyed of me. cause i met her almost everyday and she is surprisingly a pahlawan. so at the sport house meeting, she was so annoyed of me cause i kept walking next to her and waving at her friends *which was my friend as well and cousin* and i even played some games with one of them LOL so no surprise she suddenly got so annoyed that she jaling feefah and nina and also babe qilah. that made me wonder why she did that. if she's so annoyed of me, do it to me, dont do it to my friends. so yeah, today i didnt saw her thought and i miss seeing her annoyed face towards us. also! me and bebek made a bit of a plan, if we met her this time, i wave to her and bebek made eye contact. reason? we just want to see how her reaction is. if she started to talk to us in a nice way alhamdullilah, if in a rude way, we just ignore her and make her self look stupid.

alright, what else? hmmm.....i've become more rajin eseh! and everything is alright for me. i even got close with HHIKA back. well, for the past few days i feel weird with them and now im alright. i even had a laugh and it was alright. so yeah, my life is alright for the time being except someone started to kacau2 ayam again. thought it's not jamban, so im alright with it. what? im only jelaous of jamban n S so what the hell. i dont give a damn except just keep an eye on that person. x)