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simple, just Datul. anyway so i might not update it 24/7 or even every month. so dont be surprised i reply you a year late. xD have fun reading. =)
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

smiling, laughing, gila kh apa?

hehehe.....chatting here so dont call me crazy. i know im smiling on my own, laughing in a room with only im occupying it. then im also making sounds like 'tap tap tpa tap tap tap tap tap' endlessly. so that is what you call chatting. people will call you crazy if you kept doing that ove and over again. the smiling and laughing part. thought being angau is the same, but it's more to be half crazy cause you'll be laughing on your own, smiling like a real crazy person but still sane. just a bit of a love drunk if i could say. then the part where you just like look at nothing and started smiling and laughing non-stop. well, better think that thrught before the hospital came rushing towards you and put you inside ward 5! anyway, talking about chatting, old people sometimes wonder, 'apa siuknya main compiuter ane dang' thought they usually shouts at your ear like we're 10 feets away,

all we just said is 'au nee...siuk dpt chatting chatting sma kwn'

'chatting chatting? apa tu lai!!!'

'becakap pki tulis2 bh nee'

'cemana ko menulis? nada pen nene liat!!!!'

'ane namanya keyboard nee' as we showed her the keyboard 'ada ABC ane yath pki ane kita menulis, sng2 sja th kita buat apa kh yg nene mua, kn nene tulis nama nene pun dpt ne neee. zaman sekarang menjadi modern dh, mcm2 bleh ada mun org america yg gila2 pndi dh ane' bt when we finished explaining,

'apa ko cakap lai!!!! inda nene tedangar!!!!'

so we just went back explaining to them with even more bigger voices or just ignored them until they feel boring and walkes away, leaving us again laughing and smiling as we watched the big square box that is covered with not so much moving pictures as what they always see it on another box, more bigger, more flatter and more expensive. Tv lh tu ah. so yes...thought it's imposibble that our grandparents dont know what is a tv, but im certain they dont really understand about computers or labtop right??

nsib ja aku inda serumah sma nene ku time ane yg jauh2 d lawas ah X)