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simple, just Datul. anyway so i might not update it 24/7 or even every month. so dont be surprised i reply you a year late. xD have fun reading. =)
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Monday, January 4, 2010

back to school!!!

esuk plg tu back to school~ but still, im hyper to go back to school cause well....what else? i miss my friends! and daddy duhh~ what else am i so hyper to go to school. then i also want to know my class, since i actually change my subject, im guessing i'll be moving class. thought i wonder, will i be in the same class with one of my close friends? thought husna is hyper cause well....she's in the same class with ahem ahem~ XD anyway...i've finished or done everything i want and a bit ready for school. thought my sleeping time have shifted a lot, what? i've been sleeping 8hours but! goign to bed at 12-2 and waking up arounf 11 is not a good idea if i wantt o start back to school tomorrow.

thought, my school is a bid strange, and i hate some of it, we're starting school tomorrow where other school starts today in the matter of fact! and i actually wanted to go to school today huhh. anyway, after that i'll just have to worry about what to bring tomorrow, thought i know giving of textbooks are next week, (saw the board next to the admin so no worries to bring a big bag). i guess my mobile is not leaving me, no big secret there, i bring it everyday and i'll be staying back tomorrow as well, so yeah, sambung the birthday video for sushi. is sushi's birthday!!!!!!!!!!! happy birthday for sushi!!!!!! we miss you babe!