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simple, just Datul. anyway so i might not update it 24/7 or even every month. so dont be surprised i reply you a year late. xD have fun reading. =)
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

random too much

addiction? affection? love? the heck am i talking about here *laugh*okay, so im bored, im seriously bored and i dont know what to do. so yes, i think i'll just start with random time again *laugh* okay, now lets me start again and again and again. im actually wanted to have a birthday partry for just my colse friends. im hopicng sushi could come an shee ahhh *if your reading this* and you people now the drill, it's qilah, feefah, idi syafiq HHIKA are invited. sushi as well as aliana if they could. oh yes, how could i forget, daddy! so yes. well there would be only like...a few boys, so i think i'll call my cuz next door to accompony daddy cause the've met before. so what else should i talk about? im still addicted with blog actually cause this is way simple that writing my diary. i know~ it's already with me actually and's not even moving anymore. the forst 2 books are and the third are so lagg and its even fat. im addicted to listening down right now and i love the lyrics *laugh* im so bored, mummy im bored, daddy im bored, bro sis im bored...friends im bored! seriously to the max bored....'TDUR PLG!' inda ku mau!!!!! cause i have something to do later huhh. what should i do....i bored...seriously bored...babeee im bored whhh memajal eh.

should i upload so me pictures? nah...i dont know what to upload anyway....hmmm...thinking on what to say right now but im still typing and well im talking random again starting now......blank. ahhhh husna is off, so i could use my facebook now ^^ bh out babe