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Monday, November 2, 2009

attacked by animals

it was a normal day on 30th October 09. well...that was what i was planing on to. it got attacked by 2 animals that day and one succeed. the animals are...the ugly Monkey and C Mata Merah Hamster. can you guys figured out which animal got me? i got a bleeding finger after that.

so here how it start. i was just playing with my computer~ cheeking my facebook and everything. going online and chatting with some of my friends. that i saw something moved at the corner of my eyes, i thought it was a cat, but that's impossible, i don't have a cat in the house. my dad don't like them. i turn my head and saw a monkey. the monkey was also looking at me. i looked back at my computer and turn back my head almost suddenly. the monkay as still looking at me, and my head suddenly went lagging. i looked at the monkey and finally realised that there's a monkey at my house!!!

i tried to throw something to it but when i looked at the table. there wasnt even anything big for me to throw at it. so the only thing that i can think of was to scream. so i screamed and the monkey ran away to my sister's room. my mom shouted from downstairs asking why i was shouting and i told her that there was a monkey. this is the second time a monkey got into the house. my sister, who was sleeping woke up cause of my scream, got up taking a broom. i was holding a mop and a long stick, i gave it to my mom after that. we went to my sister's room and the monkey as no where to be seen. the window was open so we figured that it ran away.

the second animal was a hamster. my sister told me that C Mata Merah, if you hold it gently, it wouldnt bite. so after feeling bored, i went to play with it. when i tried to hold it. at first it smelled my hand. then suddenly it bit me! i was....'BANGKAI KO!!!' my had eventually let out a red liquid which is my blood. the blood made a lot of mess on the tissue i used and eventually i didnt want to play with the hamster again.

so it was really unfortunate of me to be attacked by two animals in one day!