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simple, just Datul. anyway so i might not update it 24/7 or even every month. so dont be surprised i reply you a year late. xD have fun reading. =)
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Thursday, December 31, 2009

missing Identification card

it's not my ic that went missing. it's my mom's. yeah, so it's suppose to be not my fault if this happens cause she was the one who was holding her own ic. but this was different, yesterday as i was going to the mall, my brother was photocopying my mom's ic and then i ask him where to pun her ic. i was actually thinking to pun it im my wallet, but then he said 'just put it in my file' and i did and then i went to the mall.

then, when i woke up, my brother asked me where was my mom's ic. i said it was in his fail but he said it wasnt there. so i was...dont tell me it went missing. in the kitchen where my mom was there, my brother suddenly told me it wasnt there and my mom heard us. she then went explosive like a bomb and started lecturing the both of us. was our fault for loosing her ic and i was blame because i didnt put it in my wallet and my brother was blame for not keeping it safe. so...for the pass few hours, me and my brother got the time of our life, full of lectures and everything. so yeah...great day for the last day of the year.....

anyway, my brother is actually force to go back to kota batu to look for the ic cause it might fall there. thought my brother was a bid of a bad tempered but he knew it was his fault too so yeah...sigh..what a day to remember~